Our commitment to Carers

Surrey partners recognise caring as an essential part of life and unpaid carers (daughters, sons, partners or friends, for example) hold families together and often fill the gaps statutory services are unable to provide.

Below is an outline of our priorities for carers, to help them live will and to provide all the support they require.

Surrey Carers Strategy 2021-2026: supporting carers in Surrey

Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership and partners have published the Surrey Carers Strategy 2021 to 2026 (surreycc.gov.uk), which pledges their commitment to improve and develop services to support unpaid carers. This video describes the approach taken to produce the strategy.

Unpaid carers carry out a vitally important role. However, people may not see themselves as carers, instead seeing caring as an extension of their family role: daughters, sons, or partners, for example, doing what families and friends do.

The Surrey Carers Strategy 2021 to 2026 sets out values and priorities for the next three years, reaffirming the commitment and determination to help carers continue caring if they are willing and able to support their health and wellbeing by achieving outcomes they have identified that matter most to them.

This strategy has been developed in line with 'Together for Carers', a memorandum of understanding between health and social care and a wide range of partners to work together to enhance support for carers of all ages.

Surrey Young Carers Strategy 2021-2026: supporting carers in Surrey

This is the plan for how Surrey will work to support you as a young carer. It has been put together by people from Surrey County Council and the NHS. There has also been a lot of input from young carers to make sure you're getting your voices heard.

Support for young carers - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)

High Quality Services

We commission a range of services to ensure that carers are supported in their caring role and have a life outside of caring. Carers have told us that a priority must be ensuring that services address essential needs and that the pathways between services are as easy to navigate.

Carers breaks

  • Carers have told us that a break from caring is very important. It is therefore vital that we provide a range of carer breaks services. In line with our commitment to personalisation and being carer-focused, breaks can take several forms based on the carer's need.

Improving carer’s health and wellbeing

  • We will support our health and social care practitioners and provider partners to ensure that the importance of carer health and wellbeing, and the information and support available, are included in every conversation with carers.

Clear service pathways

  • Carers have told us that the pathways between healthcare, social care and third sector provision must be easier to navigate. A ‘Carers Pathway’ has been co-designed by the Carers Strategic Partnership Board.

Emergency Planning and Carer Passport

  • Emergencies for carers can be overwhelming and stressful. A plan can help ease carers’ worries and ensure that those they look after continue to be cared for in an emergency. We will work with carers and stakeholders to develop a new Surrey Carer Emergency Planning Service. This new service will build on our existing Surrey Carer Emergency Card Scheme and our carer’s assessment process. Creating a Carer Passport will be an integral part of this service and supports our commitment to improving carer identification and recognition. This work program will contribute to delivering the NHS Long Term Plan.

Our priorities

Promoting Carers’ Rights

The Care Act 2014, and Department of Health and Social Care’s care and support statutory guidance, seeks to substantially strengthen the rights and recognition of adult carers within the social care system.

Carer’s Assessments

  • The Care Act 2014 entitles carers to an assessment, with information and advice to help them make the best choices about support for their health and wellbeing. We will ensure that carer’s assessments are undertaken for all eligible carers using personalised strength-based approaches and that the carer’s assessment process is accessible.

Inclusivity and diversity

  • We will ensure that our services for carers are inclusive, culturally appropriate, and address the needs and preferences of diverse groups and communities. People being cared for, their families and carers will be involved and recognised as equal partners in care. This includes identifying people’s cultural needs, choices, and preferences and looking at how these needs are met.


  • There is a wide range of evidence suggesting that training can offer an opportunity for carers to gain essential skills and confidence and to help them to remain safe and well. Therefore, we will co-design with carers accessible training programmes designed to improve their understanding of the health condition, disability, or needs of the person they care for.

Championing carers’ rights through communications

  • We will identify and make the most of opportunities to raise awareness of carers’ rights, including aligning to and participating in national campaigns and events (for example, Carers’ Week and Carers’ Rights Day). These activities will be inclusive of all partners and providers.

Increasing the visibility of carers

People may not see themselves as carers but instead see caring as an extension of their familial role: daughters, sons, or partners, for example, doing what families and friends do. As such, the term carer does not always resonate with them. In addition, becoming a carer can be a gradual process, and carers may not recognise the changing nature of their relationship with the person they support. Similarly, many carers are not identified by health and social care practitioners. These are commonly termed ‘hidden carers’: they do not access available support often because they do not know it is there.

Whole family approach

In line with our ‘Whole Family’ value, the carer’s family context is respected, and a whole family approach to caring is embedded across Surrey.

Carers will be assessed using a whole family approach. Assessments and services should be coordinated to support the person with care needs and their family, including young carers. As a result, the entire family will be supported in the caring experience, have ready access to appropriate information, and be able to access appropriate support services.

Young adult carers

We must recognise the specific needs of young adult carers, particularly at critical points in the caring journey, such as entering or leaving college, university or work. Therefore, providers and partners will work together to help ensure that young adult carers are recognised, aware of, and able to access the information and support available to them. This will include proactively identifying where specific information, support, and services should be made available to and developed for young adult carers.

Training for professionals

It is vital to ensure that all partners and providers have the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to identify, support, and work with carers effectively. We will develop and make available a range of training materials to suit the needs of different providers and professional communities. All professionals will be offered carer awareness training, including understanding and promoting carer rights.

Surrey NHS key performance indicators (KPI)

The KPI is just one of many mechanisms to improve our response to identifying and supporting carers. Although 70% of carers come into contact with health professionals, only one in ten carers are identified through this route. The Surrey NHS Carers Key Performance Indicator (KPI) was co-produced in response to carers telling us that we need to:

• Improve outcomes for carers, reducing unwarranted variation

• Normalise caring within our standard NHS systems and processes

• Ensure the sustainability of carers' work through a systems response; and

• Prepare the ground for introducing Carer Quality Markers in line with the NHS Long Term Plan.

Local carer KPIs for social care providers commissioned by Surrey County Council

These have been established and will be embedded in all health care and social care provision during the life span of this strategy. Embedding the KPIs and monitoring providers’ delivery will raise the visibility of carers with providers whose core business does not necessarily include providing support to carers.

Establish a Carers Partnership Group

Following a full review of our governance structure, we have established the Carers Partnership Group which takes over from the Carers Partnership Board.

This group meets quarterly to ensure the programme is delivering the carers strategy in a timely manner, giving assurances to the system.

We will ensure that:

  • A range of carers are invited to join the group.
  • Meetings are held at times where carers can attend to share their views and feedback on the delivery of the strategy.

Support working carers

Taking on a caring role should not mean that people have to give up work, which might lead to financial hardship or social exclusion. Carers who want to work should be enabled to do so and should not be discriminated against. Carers should be supported in the workplace to maintain their employment status.

Carer awareness training for staff

All employers must ensure no carer is missed through lack of awareness on the part of its staff. We will complete a review of all existing training materials and work with the local NHS Academies to seek new approaches to staff carer awareness training while ensuring that the ‘lived experience’ of caring remains integral to our programme.

The Surrey-wide Multi-Agency Carers Workforce Task Group

This group was established in July 2020. It aims to work collaboratively, using an integrated approach, to provide a system-wide response to supporting staff juggling work with care.

Working Carers Passport and staff carer contingency planning

We will improve support to staff with caring responsibilities, promoting the new Working Carers Passport to ensure that all employers have timely, compassionate conversations about what support would be helpful, including establishing and protecting flexible working patterns, and support staff carer contingency planning.

Communication and engagement

Communications with and for carers should be easy to navigate, tailored to individual needs, with the information provided in a format that carers can access and understand. There are several mechanisms in place to communicate and engage with carers. However, we recognise that it is essential to review and refresh these regularly, to evaluate the impact of all communication and engagement activities, and to respond when carers tell us what is and is not working well.

Diversity of communication and engagement

Partners across the system should ensure diverse communication channels, engagement opportunities, and ways for carers to get involved if they want to. This must consider and respect different needs and communities and enable messages to be tailored appropriately.

Improving Accessibility

Providers and partners across the system should have a specific, consistent approach for identifying, recording, flagging, sharing, and meeting the information and communication support needs of carers. As part of this, carers should be supported to access information in the format that best meets their needs.

Person-centred approach to communication

Advice, information and support activities will be readily available and tailored to the needs of individuals. We will continue to use and develop a range of approaches, seeking to understand from carers how they would like to communicate with us and the best ways for us to communicate with them. This will include recognising that different approaches will work better for different people.