Learning Disabilities and Autism

Surrey Heartlands is committed to improving the health and well-being of its Learning Disability and Autism populations. 

Our delivery priorities involve:

  • Increasing the rate of annual health checks and accompanying health action plan for people aged 14 and over, using various delivery models, such as incorporating into existing age-based health checks
  • We continue improving the accuracy of GP learning disability registers so that identification, particularly for underrepresented groups such as children and young people and people from ethnic minority groups, can be made
  • Continuing health and care analysis to understand the impact of the pandemic to support tacking inequalities, addressing wider determinants of health, and strengthening local work
  • We are reducing reliance on inpatient care for adults and children by developing community services to support admission avoidance and timely discharge by seeking to secure additional care and support capacity with a more comprehensive integration of community services 
  • Developing a range of care and diagnostic services for autistic people delivered by multidisciplinary teams supporting rep and post-diagnostic services, developing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) assessments and crisis support improvement reviews
  • Implementing the actions from the People with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR) ensuring 100% of LeDeR reviews continue and actively using engagement, insights and intelligence to improve care quality