Responses to your upheld complaints

In accordance with the recommendations of the Francis Inquiry 2013, the NHS Surrey Heartlands Complaints Team publish anonymised summaries of all upheld complaints investigated by NHS Surrey Heartlands.

If your complaint was responded to by an organisation external to NHS Surrey Heartlands, and was upheld, please visit that organisations website for a summary of your complaint.

April 2024

April 2024

You said:

You were concerned about a report you had received from Talking Therapies as you do not feel that it accurately reflected your discussions. You also raised concerns regarding under funding of autism services.

We coordinated a joint response with input from Dorking Healthcare Limited, the GP practice and Surrey and Borders Partnership (SABP).

Each concern was addressed in full in a comprehensive written response and all learnings set out clearly.

December 2023

December 2023

You said:

You raised concerns regarding the fact that a representative from Social Care was not present at your next of kin’s Decision Support Tool (DST) assessment for Continuing Healthcare (CHC).

We apologised that you were not given the option to cancel the assessment in view of Social Care’s late cancellation of attendance.

This was fed back to the CHC Bookings Team to advise that should a member of the team cancel on the day, the next of kin should always be contacted to decide whether to go ahead or reschedule.

November 2023

November 2023

You said:

You raised concern regarding the unsuitability of the incontinence pads provided to your wife. You explained that despite raising this with CSH Surrey and the ICB Contracting Team, this matter was still unresolved.  

We offered to arrange a nurse-led visit to your wife to discuss the pad fitting and usage and it was agreed to vary your wife’s pad provision.

The Contracting Team spoke with CSH Surrey to explore the opportunities to flexibly support both you and your wife.

Novermber you said 2

You said:

You expressed your frustration at the lack of a personal health budget (PHB) for your son.

We explained that following discussions with colleagues across education and social care, increased funding to support your son had been agreed and released.

We sincerely apologised for the delay in this payment being made, which was due to an issue with the system, which has now been rectified.

October 2023

October 2023

You said:

You raised concerns regarding the difficulty that your granddaughter had experienced obtaining her ADHD medication. You said that this is because her GP practice had withdrawn her Shared Care Plan.

We contacted the patient’s GP Practice (with her permission) who apologised for the error and acknowledged that the shared Care Agreement should not have been cancelled.

This was reinstated and a prescription sent to the patient’s local pharmacy for her medication. 

September 2023

September 2023

You said:

You raised concerns regarding the requirement for each patient to be given an accountable named GP and your own GP Practice’s lack of adherence to this.

We met with the GP Practice and worked with them to agree actions and timeframes to ensure that systems are in place to ensure adherence to their contractual requirements.

The practice provided assurance that all patients, both newly and previously registered, will be allocated a named GP within a 4-month period and each patient will be informed of this.

August 2023

August 2023

You said:

You raised concerns about how your daughter's care package has been handled.

We apologised to the complainant for her experience and invited her to attend a meeting to discuss her concerns and agreed to the increase of her daughter’s care for a 3 month period.

A single point of contact was provided to the complainant for her child’s care moving forward, to ensure ease of access.

Aug 2023 1

You said:

You raised concerns that when your sister contacted the Maternity Advice Line on several occasions, she was unable to get through.

We apologised for the inconvenience caused, explaining that staffing shortages meant that sometimes, the line is required to close completely at night time or in extreme circumstances.

When closed, the voice message is changed to provide dial pad options for callers to be directed to their local maternity triage telephone line.

The service has since reviewed it’s workforce requirements, alongside the intended scope of the line to ensure that it supports a safe, high-quality maternity experience for expectant parents and their loved ones.

July 2023

July 2023

You said:

You wrote to us to appeal the decision of the outcome of an assessment for Children’s and Young Person’s Continuing Care funding.

The appeals process was reviewed to ensure that it aligns with best practice; allowing families to engage with the process and that the most appropriate package of care for can be agreed upon.

We invited the complainant to meet with the Children’s Continuing Care (CCC) Team to discuss his daughter’s care and it was explained that the complaint would be moved from the formal complaints process to the new, CCC appeals process.

A hand posting a letter through a red letter box

You said:

You raised concerns regarding the process and forms of communication used by the Referral Support Service (RSS), you were concerned that letters were delayed due to the post

We apologised for the inconvenience caused to you and confirmed that all new and existing members of the RSS Team were reminded of the importance of allowing a 2-week notice period when booking future appointments to prevent this from happening again.

June 2023

Man holding wheel on wheelchair

You said:

You raised concern regarding the difficulty you had experienced obtaining a new wheelchair seating system for your son from the Surrey Wheelchair Service, provided by Ross Care.

We referred the patient to the Wheelchair Service at Queen Mary’s Hospital, as per the complainant’s request and apologised for their experience.

We provided reassurance that Ross Care would update their website to include a copy of their Complaints Policy, as the complainant had been unable to find this.

June 2023

You said:

You wished to appeal a decision made by the Children’s Continuing Care (CCC) Team as you had been informed that your daughter no longer met the criteria for care funding.

We invited the complainant to meet with the CCC Team to discuss his daughter’s care and it was explained that the complaint would be moved from the formal complaints process to the new, CCC appeals process.

You said

You said:

You raised concern regarding the difficulties you had experienced obtaining funding for specialist diabetes equipment for your son.

The complainant was contacted directly by the SEND Clinical Case Manager for Children and Young People and reassured that funding would be upheld for the forthcoming school year.

The contact email address for the staff member assigned to his son’s care was provided in a written response.

April 2023

April 2023

You said:

You raised concerns regarding your interactions with the Children’s Continuing Care Team and explained that you were not in receipt of meeting minutes that had previously been promised to you.

We provided the meeting minutes, explaining the reason for the delay and apologised for the complainant’s experience.

Reassurance was provided that this had been discussed with the staff member concerned, for reflection and learning.  

You said

You said: 

You raised concern regarding your interactions with the Children’s Continuing Care (CCC) Team, which you felt had been poor and had limited your ability to support your son’s development and care.

We addressed each of the complainant’s points in turn through written response, apologising for their experience and recognising that this was not the standard of service we aim to deliver.

Enclosed with the response was further, helpful information regarding Social Care Referrals and Personal Health Care Budgets.

The CCC Team also contacted the complainant by telephone, to ensure that the patient is receiving the appropriate care.

You said

You said:

You raised concerns that your personal data was shared with a third party in error, following your interview at the ICB.  

We conducted an internal investigation and the data breach was recorded via our internal incident reporting system, Datix.

Reassurance was provided that the information incorrectly shared with the third party had now been deleted by them and a discussion had been undertaken with the staff member concerned, to encourage reflection and learning.

You said

You said:

You raised concerns regarding the closure of an NHS specialist dental clinic in Epsom with concern that many patients with disabilities cannot easily access other services in the area.

We provided two written responses and offered the complainant the opportunity to meet with our Dental Commissioning Management Team.

This offer has been accepted.

March 2023

March 2023

You said:

I was unable to collect an emergency prescription of Lorazepam, Ecitalopram and Beta Blockers as the Pharmacy I visited did not have stock, due to a supply issue.  

We explained that medication shortages are occurring more frequently in the UK and globally and we acknowledged the significant impact that this has on patients, Pharmacies and GP Practices.

We explained that, for any long-term prescription, you should visit your local Pharmacy in the first instance and if your local Pharmacy does not have your medication in-stock, you can obtain your prescription from another Pharmacy.

We explained that unfortunately, there is currently no national system which enables visibility of stock across primary and secondary care however there are a number of local systems in place to support stock availability between Pharmacies and GP Practices.

February 2023

February 2023

You said:

I've raised concerns via my MP in relation to the length of time my son had spent awaiting assessments for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

We arranged a call between the complainant and our Deputy Director of Mental Health Commissioning.

Alternative providers were discussed and a referral was made to a provider with a much shorter waiting list.  We recognised the importance of ensuring that patients and their carers understand their choices in relation to mental health treatment, and we updated our website to reflect this.

January 2023

January 2023

You said:

There were delays in providing funding for real-time glucose monitoring (rtCGM), contrary to NICE guidance.

We confirmed in our written response that a paper would be going to the Area Prescribing Committee (APC) in April 2023. 

Following this, an email update was provided to you explaining that the APC had made a recommendation to fund CGM in line with NICE guidelines for Type 1 diabetes and a final decision has been forwarded on to the Integrated Care System Executive Team to make a decision.