Model Publication Scheme

This page explains what information NHS Surrey Heartlands makes routinely available and how it can be accessed.

The Scheme is designed to signpost individuals to information we proactively release as and when it becomes available. The Scheme contains seven classes of information - information falling into each of these classes is published on our website.

Our publication scheme is a working document. We try to make as much information available as possible; feel free to contact us if you cannot find what you are looking for.

If, after reading these pages, you are not able to find the information you are looking for please submit a Freedom of Information request. Please include your full name and an address for correspondence; an email address is sufficient. Please be as specific as possible in your request to help us identify the appropriate information. Details of any charges and re-use of information is contained within our Freedom of Information policy.

We publish information under seven categories:

  1. Who we are and what we do
  2. Structures
  3. What we spend and how
  4. Procurement and tendering
  5. What our priorities are and how we are doing
  6. How we make decisions
  7. Policies and procedures
  8. Lists and registers
  9. The services we commission

Procurement and tendering

Policies and procedures

This includes: