The Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board wants to support you as Care Homes, Supported Living or Domiciliary Care agencies, by having specific links to information and resources that will help you in relation to Adult Safeguarding.

The Board which is made up of members from the key agencies including Surrey Care Association is tasked with making sure that as per the Care Act those people in need are supported effectively. Safeguarding is everybody’s business and that access to knowledge and information on best practice and who to contact if you have a concern are vital parts of supporting people in care.

The objective here is to help add value to your work and we want to see this as a two-way relationship where you can add items of good practice or knowledge that can help fellow agencies and workers in this area.

12a. Are you aware of the Safeguarding Adults Board Care Home and Domiciliary Care Page?

Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) is a multiagency partnership that has representation from organisations that support adults with care or support needs. NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB is a partner.

The partnership contributes to the development and delivery of the Board’s strategic plan, helping to deliver activities that promote adult safeguarding across the county. The SSAB ensures the improved effectiveness of safeguarding activity by its members and partner agencies.

Resources for Care Homes and Domiciliary Care are available on the SSAB website.

12b. Have you registered to attend the Safeguarding Adults Board Engagement Forum?

The SSAB have a number of forums, one of which is the engagement forum. The purpose of this forum is to better engage with voluntary and private agencies across Surrey.  If you are interested in registering to attend this group which normally meets twice a year, please contact the SSAB on:

Some of the topics covered at the Engagement Forum include, Introduction to Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board, Introduction to Surrey Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), Difference between Safeguarding Adults Concern and a Safeguarding Adults Review.

12c. Have you signed up to the Safeguarding Adult Board's newsletter?

The SSAB publish a newsletter which covers various safeguarding topics.

Email to register for newsletter:

12d. What would you like from the Surrey Safeguarding Adult Board to improve your safeguarding adults work?

We encourage continuous learning and reflective practice for everyone involved in safeguarding.

What could the board to help you to develop your safeguarding practice?

Audit template

The Surrey Heartlands Safeguarding team will send out this audit as a smart survey in autumn 2023 and every 18-24 months thereafter.  The purpose is to gain assurance that care providers are complaint with safeguarding requirements and to understand where support is needed if gaps are identified.

This word template is added for you to use as a self-assessment tool.