LeDeR programme

Surrey Heartlands is part of the national 'Learning from lives and deaths - People with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR) programme'. 

The LeDeR programme is commissioned by NHS England. 

Learning from lives and deaths

Learning from lives and deaths: People with a learning disability and autistic people (LeDeR)

The aim of the programme is to support local areas to review the deaths of people with learning disabilities (aged four years and above) and autistic people (aged 18 years old and over), identify learning from those deaths, and ensure services are developed in order to address any learning from the review.  

For more information on the programme please visit the NHS England LeDeR website.

Anyone can report the death of a person with a learning disability or an autistic person to the LeDeR programme. All deaths of people with learning disabilities who are aged four years and above should be reported and deaths of autistic people (with or without a learning disability) aged 18 years old and above. Deaths can be reported online via NHS England.

Natalie Warman, Interim Associate Director for ICS Quality is the Local Area Contacts (LACs) for the Surrey Heartlands LeDeR programmeNatalie can be contacted at: natalie.warman2@nhs.net.

LeDeR strategy 2021-2024

The new national LeDeR policy outlines local delivery expectations required from each Integrated Care Systems (ICSs).

One key expectation is to have a three-year LeDeR strategy demonstrating how Surrey Heartlands will act strategically to tackle the areas of health inequality experienced by people with a learning disability and autistic people.

The areas of strategic focus will be identified through the thematic learning from LeDeR reviews and must also include reference to how Surrey Heartlands will reduce health inequalities faced by people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds who have a learning disability.

The Surrey Heartlands LeDeR strategy [pdf] 734KB will be updated annually by Surrey Heartlands to reflect learning from both the prior year and the review process and shared with the NHS England regional team, which will form part of the governance arrangements and ensure continual improvement.

You can also access an Easy Read version [pdf] 2MB of the Surrey Heartlands LeDeR strategy.

LeDeR Annual Report

You can read the latest LeDeR Annual Report to get an overview of the LeDeR programme and how this has been implemented in our local area.

It provides an overview of the number of deaths that have been reported to LeDeR for these areas and summaries the learning that has come from the completed reviews.