These pages provide a web friendly version of the Treatments not routinely funded one policy (CLIN02 Treatments Requiring Individual Funding Applications TNRF1).

Go to Policies and Processes page (Clinical policies section) of this website to read the full policy. 

Indwelling pleural catheter for the treatment of malignant pleural effusions in a community setting (semi-permanent tube to drain fluid from the lungs)


Indwelling pleural catheters (IPCs) are increasingly being used for patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusions. They are simple to place and can be done on an outpatient basis under local anaesthesia.

Thresholds and eligibility 

This service is commissioned, and applications are managed by NHS England. 


Treatments not routinely published policy (TNRF1)

Additional information

This service is commissioned, and applications are managed by NHS England. 

Stereotactic Radiation Therapy (a way of targeting radiotherapy very precisely at a tumour)


Stereotactic radiation therapy, also called stereotactic external-beam radiation therapy and stereotaxic radiation therapy, is a type of external radiation therapy that uses special equipment to position the patient and precisely deliver radiation to a tumour.

Thresholds and eligibility 

This service is commissioned, and applications are managed by NHS England. 


Treatments not routinely published policy (TNRF1)

Additional information

This service is commissioned, and applications are managed by NHS England.