Heart Beetz choose the right NHS service

Introducing the Heart Beetz, a band featuring Layla Swift on lead vocals, Ted Sheeran on drums, Leonce on guitar and Bill.I.Am on bass guitar. The band have been recording their latest hit while battling with illness and minor accidents. Inspired by their own experiences of NHS services they’ve released a track about getting help from the right place if you’re unwell or injured.

Watch the video and find out more

Click on the play button to watch the Heart Beetz video and hear their tips on where to get the right NHS service for advice and treatment.

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The Surrey HeartBeetz story

Leonce and Bill had never used NHS 111 before and found it a great experience. They discovered that you can go online 111.nhs.uk  or call 111 any time of the day or night. And that trained advisors can link you in with GPs, out of hours Minor Injuries Unites and A&E services.

“They booked me a timed arrival slot at the local minor injuries unit on the same day. They also told me about  111 online,  which was useful to know. Luckily, my wrist made a quick recovery, and in no time at all we were back on track.” Leonce on guitar (sprained wrist)

After hearing about 111 from Leonce, Bill felt 111 would know what to do when his baby daughter had a high temperature. 

Layla found out that pharmacies do loads too – not only did they sort out her earache, they help with coughs, colds and common health problems such as headaches, stomach upsets, bites, stings and seasonal allergies.

When Ted’s asthma flared up he spoke to his GP on a video call and she asked him to come to the surgery so she could take a closer look, he even got an appointment in the evening, after rehearsals.

A guide to NHS services poster